AND IT WAS SO FUN! If you read my post from the other day, you'll know that we've been researching rabbits all week and at the end of the week, I wanted to bring in a bunny! Believe me... my student teacher and I were SUPER nervous about this little Bunny Foo Foo hopping around our classroom, but it was seriously a blast!
First, I put my students in groups so that they could research rabbits and fill out their graphic organizer:
The next day, we read lots of books about rabbits and we did a shared writing and wrote an informational piece together as a class:
Day #3, they took everything that they had learned and wrote their own informational writing:
Next, they made their cute paper-plate rabbits and I hung them up in the hall:
And there you have it! Every ONE of my students will be asking their parents for a pet rabbit! YIKES!
Snag a freebie from this packet, right {here}!
All of this (including the bulletin board letters), can be found in my Rabbit Research Pack! Make sure you re-download if you've already bought because I added a few pages this morning! Happy spring break to ME! :)
And my sweet friend Cheryl just uploaded a little extension on my vocabulary cards that I put in my packet! Check out her FABULOUS vocab book!!!