Doceri (top right) - Great app for turning your iPad into an interactive whiteboard. Allows you to access your iPad through your computer.
Reflector (bottom left) - An app for your computer that allows you to access your iPad from your computer/projector. This is all you need to project your iPad on your whiteboard which bypasses the need for an Apple TV and/or the iPad projector connector.
Splashtop2 (bottom right) - An app that lets you access your computer remotely. Allows you to navigate your entire computer through your iPad. It's extremely helpful when showing websites and PowerPoints to students as you are no longer tied to your computer - you can walk around your room and still navigate your computer!
{Natalie, Susie, Rachelle}
I {Natalie} attended two of Lorrie Cook's workshops and was wowed both times! She's the one that convinced me to purchase the subscription to Splashtop2 and to buy Reflector. She also sold me on the iMovie app which my students are already enjoying!! I felt a little silly asking for her to take a pic with me, but I felt like she was so inspiring that I had to put her on the blog!
{Lorrie and Natalie}
Other highlights of the conference included an inspiring keynote address by Adam Scott Bellows, hanging out with our friend Megan (she went to college with us and is our sorority sister), and the day when both Rachelle and I showed up wearing animal prints!
{Natalie, Megan, and Rachelle}
Overall, this conferences was a wonderful experience and we hope to continue presenting in the future!