We are researching rabbits this week (all week) and guess what?!?!? I found someone to bring in a pet rabbit on Wednesday to surprise my students. I AM SO EXCITED! They are seriously going to scream (but hopefully not...because I don't want to scare the bunny). We are fitting in some major informational writing this week and that makes our Common Core hearts happy, happy, happy! (But don't worry, if you don't want to research rabbits, I've included blank sheets so you can research any animal AND it can align with any not-so-common-core-standards!)
Included in this Informational Writing Pack:
Graphic Organizers (5)
Vocabulary Cards
Writing paper (5)
5 Sentences Writing Poster
Rabbit Craft
Generic Graphic Organizers (in case you don't want to research rabbits)
Generic Writing Paper
Click {here} to check it out!