Here are some of our top sellers, but check out our stores to see our whole store on sale! :)





Here are some of our top sellers, but check out our stores to see our whole store on sale! :)




Holidays Around the World 2013

Can't wait to start planning for my Holidays Around the World in my classroom!!!!!

Read about the BUNDLED pack (Part 1 and 2 combined):
Travel near and far to see a glimpse of Holidays Around the World. This is a great way to integrate the Christmas theme into your curriculum! There are 13 countries to learn about and a craftivity and/or game for each country.  This unit ties in literacy, social studies, art, writing, reading and even a little math. There's enough in this pack to use the whole month of December!

Countries included:
*Netherlands- (Clog Craft)
*Israel- (Dreidel Game)
*Germany- (Gingerbread Man Craft and Writing)
*Mexico- (Poinsettia Craft)
*Australia- (Koala Craft and Writing)
*Italy- (Broom Craft and Poem)
*England- (Stocking Craft and Card Writing)
*Sweden (Candle Craft)
*America Kwanzaa (Bead Bracelet)
*France (Game)
*Greenland (Santa Craft and Letter)
*India (Lamp Craft and Writing)
*America or Canada (Christmas Eve Craft, Rudolf Craft, Rudolf Mad Lib, and Writing)

Also Included in this pack:
Lesson Plan Template
Student Suitcase Cover
New Word Book
Airline Tickets
BINGO Review Game
Supplementals (KWL, web chart, fact writing, opinion writing)
Bulletin Board Letters and Graphic
Student Book (with fill-in-the-blank)
Country Posters (color and b/w included)
Informational Reading Passages (for each country)
Links to websites and books for each country

Click {here} to check out the bundle!

Did You Hear?

There is a pretty big giveaway going on at Blog Hoppin' right now. 

If you like shopping at Teachers Pay Teachers, then you will love this! 10 lucky winners will win a $50 gift card to TPT and one winner will get a $100 gift card to TPT! That would buy quite a bit of lessons, activities, and clip art packs! 

(Plus, all 11 winners will win a whole goodie pack full of lessons and ideas from the Blog Hoppin' authors!)

Hurry over to Blog Hoppin' and enter to win these fabulous prizes!


Want a cute idea for your Thanksgiving party? My friend, Lindsay, from Artsy-Fartsy Mama made the *cutest* set of Thanksgiving Bingo cards and they are FREE on her blog!! 

If you grab her freebie, make sure to say thanks by leaving her a comment. Tell her the girls at What the Teacher Wants sent you!


One more thing... My family blog got a makeover and I wanted to share it with you in case you're looking for a new design. I love the new, bright colors!

Check out this design shop by Laura: 

We Are THANK-ful!

Please join us and the other fabulous ladies at Blog Hoppin' for a week long celebration and linky party!

Today we teamed up with some of the Blog Hoppin' gals to bring you 10 helpful hints for a successful school year. Come check them out! Feel free to link up with us (if you have a blog) or leave a comment with some of your best helpful hints for teachers!

Veterans Day!

Veterans Day is coming up and I love finding great ways to integrate my curriculum with anything social studies related. Plus, getting to celebrate a holiday is always an extra bonus! 

I just finished making a new Internet-based activity called 
'A Veterans Day Celebration' where students will be led through the six steps of a webquest: introduction, task, process, resources, evaluation, and conclusion. Students will learn about the history of Veterans Day, conduct a research project, and they will get do a fun activity where they get to plan their own Veterans Day celebration.  

Here is what's included in this download:
-Teacher instruction page
-Student instruction page (includes web quest information)
-QR Codes to the websites (for iPad use)
-Student research page
-Activity graphic organizer
-Two activity templates

If you're looking for some more great Veterans Day ideas, you might want to check out these terrific resources:

Here's a fun fact I learned today: Veterans Day does not have an apostrophe. While we honor veterans on Veterans Day, the holiday does not belong to them. {Source}

Healthy Teachers: Getting Motivated

Natalie here. I know Rachelle is the one with the amazing and inspiring weight loss success stories, but I also had a few things to say about living a healthy lifestyle.

I think know that it's super hard to find the motivation to work out. Wanting to lose weight is one thing, but actually getting up and working out is harder than just wanting to lose weight. Between teaching, preparing for teaching, grading, making copies, and then coming home to fix dinner, keeping the house clean, and spending quality time with my family, I felt like working out was not an option for me. I'm sure a lot of you can relate with that. 

After having two babies, I desperately needed to do something to jumpstart my body into finally losing the extra pounds. I wanted to lose weight, but I struggled with the motivation to actually do something about it. 

Here's what I did to *finally* find the motivation to get started.

  • I had to quit using the excuse of "being too busy" and I had to make time. 
  • I decided to make a daily schedule that included time to get out of the house and start being more active. 
  • I set a goal. My goal was to run a 5K. (To make it more fun and less intimidating, I signed up for the Color Run. The thought of getting splashed with color, helped me to be excited about running.)
  • To make this a family affair, I bought a double jogging stroller. This was the best decision I made because it allowed me to spend fun time with my kids while also getting exercise.
  • I started with baby steps. At first, I just jogged/walked around the block, then I was able to slowly build up to do less walking and more running. 
  • Little by little I worked on building up my endurance and I could go a little bit further and a little bit faster each day.
  • When it was time for my race, I didn't know what to expect. I still felt unprepared, but I did it anyway.
  • I did much better than I expected at the race! It wasn't as hard as I had thought it would be. 

Here are a few pictures from my race:

{Before the race started}

{A shot of the fun colors}

{Me as I was almost crossing the finish line}

{After the race with my sister-in-law and her friend}

The moral of this story is that you have to start somewhere. Even if you struggle with the motivation, you just need to get started! Start small and know that it WILL get easier as you keep at it!

*  *  *  *  *

Hi friends! Rachelle here.... I just wanted to add a few things about motivation!  I am motivated by other people. Does that even make sense? HA!  I follow these Instagrams that motivate me:



Also, I'm obviously motivated by looking at the scale and seeing it go down. BUT, I get obsessed with the scale and so I am now looking at non-scale victories (NSV).  I like to look in the mirror once in a while (instead of running past it)...I feel like that's a good non-scale victory, what about you?! I also like to do before and during pictures to motivate me:

The picture on the left was October 2012, on the right was October 2013

Speaking of motivation and non-scale victories.... I've always wanted to wear a cute tank to the gym instead of my oversized t-shirt.  Well... It finally happened!!!! I got the CUTEST, most comfy tank from Ruffles With Love.  I can't get enough! I think I'll order this one next.  I really like how the bow is removable and can be put on the back (it's racerback) or even worn in my hair!  But BELIEVE me.... I get dang sweaty at the gym, so this was obviously a picture BEFORE I went. ;)

*I really want to ask Vanessa (from Ruffles with Love) to design a workout tank/shirt that applies to teachers and working out.  Can you help me with a quick play on words?  If your t-shirt quote is chosen, I'll send you that tank for free!

Here's the only quote I can think of:
Teacher by day
Beast by night

So, head over to hear Etsy shop and get a tank to wear  (they aren't just for the gym!).

100,000 Followers - Winners!!!

We are super excited to announce the six lucky winners of our 100,000 Facebook Follower Giveaway!

Congrats to all the winners!! We'll be emailing you this weekend to give you information on claiming your prizes.

{Prize donated by: What the Teacher Wants}

{Prize donated by: Kimberly Geswein Fonts}

{Prize donated by: C Jayne Teach}

{Prize donated by: Melonheadz Illustrating}

{Prize donated by: Artsy-Fartsy Mama Designs}

{Prize donated by: Tiny Dazzles}

Thanks to everyone who entered and thank you to our fabulous sponsors!!!

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