Common Core Checklists for K-5 {Math and ELA}


We {Rachelle and Natalie} have teamed up to create these checklists for all our kinder - 6th grade friends! :)

Click each picture to check them out!




Here's an example of how these checklists can help you organize and teach the Common Core:

Here's a preview of what the pages look like:

If you're feeling overwhelmed about teaching the new Common Core State Standards, these checklists should help!

We also have DATA checklists!

These are perfect for report cards, RtI, data for PLCs, or to give you detailed information for your small group work.

1st Grade Combined ELA and Math Data Checklist

And for 5th Grade:

Each download contains:
-Common Core data checklists for math 
-Common Core data checklists for ELA
-Examples on how to record your data
-Binder covers to help you stay organized

Christmas in July {EXTENDED}

Thank you Abby, for making this cute graphic!

You heard us right! Our SEASONAL items are 20% off on
July 25th ONLY! :) 


Check out the other fabulous stores that are on sale 
{It was up to each individual seller whether or not they extended the sale}!

NOTE:  Teachers Pay Teachers is currently offline, but should be coming back soon!

Do you want to participate?  Quickly link up over at Blog Hoppin and let everyone know!

Getting Started With the Daily 5!

Let me start this post by saying...
If you want to do the Daily 5 in your classroom, you must purchase and read the book first! The Sisters are total gurus and you need to read and follow their procedures for setting it up.

My students choose their Daily 5 each day by orally telling me where they want to go and I just quickly check it off on this sheet. I got the idea from the Sisters and found a great layout form Erica at Sprinkles to Kindergarten. I just had to add a "WWT", which means work with teacher {guided reading}.This literally takes less than 3 minutes to get my whole class checked in. I actually laminated my check-in sheet, put it on a clipboard, and I use a dry-erase marker to mark off their choices.  It's all about saving the trees! :)

Click the picture to download.

To help them decide what Daily 5 they'd like to go to, I make sure to have the choices on the board right behind my chair at the carpet:

         The polka dot border can be found {here} and the Daily 5 posters can be found {here}.

To build their stamina, I made some stamina charts so the kiddos could see how many minutes we had practiced each part of the Daily 5! They get really excited!!!

Click the picture to download all 5 stamina charts:

You'll make lots of anchor charts on chart paper! I make all of them just like they tell me to in the book, and then when I'm finished, I use these anchor charts to save on SPACE!  I have NO wall space and I can actually hang these up!

Click the picture to download all of the anchor charts:

I hope you decide to read the book because it's pretty great! It's changed the way I feel about my literacy block. I'm no longer stressed beyond belief! Here's my Pinterest board of Daily 5 pins!

Other fabulous bloggers with Daily 5 resources:

These free items are not endorsed by the 2 Sisters


OMG!! We just got back from Vegas.... SO! MUCH! FUN!

We pretty much took a million pictures that night! 
{To see all the pics, please visit the What the Teacher Wants facebook page.}
It was so fun to meet our favorite bloggers {and blog stalkers}. There were over 100 people there!
Rachelle was even lucky enough to see Deanna, Kim, and Fran present at the I Teach K conference. AMAZING!!!!

And a SPECIAL thanks to Heidi from HeidiSongs for donating SO many wonderful CDs, Books, and DVDs! 

Check out this video that Cheryl from Primary Graffiti made! You can also click {here} to get a full list of our sponsors!

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    Thank you for a great week, ladies!  
Kim and Megan (KinderGals), Melissa (Lesson Plan SoS), Michelle (Fabulous in First), Rachelle {Natalie was there in spirit} (What the Teacher Wants), Anna (Crazy for First Grade), Hope (Second Grade Shenanigans), Cheryl (Primary Graffiti), Deedee (Mrs. Wills Kindergarten), Shari (Shari Sloane from, Deanna (Mrs. Jump's Class), and Kathleen (Growing Kinders).  
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