Management Monday: Guided Reading

Are you a Facebook follower of What the Teacher Wants?  

 I've received a lot of emails about how I organize my guided reading groups. 
Here are a few tips that I have for you!

This is my {FAVORITE} guided reading tool ever (I got it from a workshop at my school).
This little folder organizes my students by level.  1st graders are ever-so-changing and always moving up so fast in reading groups. All you need is a folder, paper, velcro, and a little lamination!
Under each level there is a strip of "fuzzy" velcro. Then, each student has their own tag with their name on it and a piece of velcro on the back.

I take a running record of each student once a week. I keep it in this binder.
 For the cover of this binder, click {here}.
Each student has a tab in the Guided Reading binder. I also keep anecdotal notes in there that I observed during the groups' reading time.
 For a copy of the running record sheet, click {here}.
These are my books for the day/week.  Each group is separated into colors. The students know what color of group they are in.

When we are done with the book (we keep if for 2 days- one for the intro and one for the re-read the next day), I put their books in their "Reading Group Baskets" so that they can read a book on their level during monitored independent reading time (or DEAR as some of you call it).

Check out my Guided Reading Packs in my TpT store for additional ideas! 
Click EACH picture!

Kinder and 1st Grade:

Teach Kinder or 1st Grade? 

Teach 3rd Grade?

I also have something that I've been meaning to post for a while, but keep forgetting. This was given to me by a teacher on my team who is pretty much amazing (yes you, Jessica) and I think it's a super cute idea.  It's called a "Personal Report Card" and the kiddos fill it out about themselves and I give it to the parents during parent teacher conferences.  The parents really like it and I think that's why I like it. It's kind of silly and the kiddos really don't answer very accurately, but I still use it and think it's GREAT!

Click {here} for the personal report card.
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