Have you noticed your kiddos struggling with this concept?
I made the posters and a little word work game to go along with the three sounds of "ed".
Punctuation is such a tough one. Kids are using periods on every other word, question marks where there should be exclamation points and sometimes there's...well....no punctuation at all.
I made these posters that I have in my classroom all year. At the beginning of the year, when I'm teaching about expression, I use the worksheets so that we can practice reading with expression in response to punctuation {just like the common core says I have to}.
These FREE posters are aligned with the 1st grade Common Core, but can be used in K-3.
This one's available in my TpT store for FREE!
Do you see how I spend my Friday nights? WINNER! :)
Some frames courtesy of misstiina.com
Some frames courtesy of fancydogstudio.com