Look What We Bought!

It's become a tradition around here to show what we bought after a TPT sale. We are linking up with Blog Hoppin'.

Here are just a few of the things Natalie bought at yesterday's big sale:

I love Hope King and I love that her husband is collaborating on some units with her. (He's a teacher too!) I'm excited to use this fun mini-unit with my 5th graders!

Amanda from One Extra Degree's new Common Core Love and Literacy centers are too cute! I'm excited to have some fun Valentine's Day lessons to add into my plans for next week.

With the recent glitter craze, I knew I had to get some of these from the famous Tracee Orman

This will go perfectly with the fractions unit I am teaching right now. Can't wait to start making all sorts of new fraction resources. 

Here's what Rachelle bought:

This is PERFECT for your sub tub! But, I don't need a sub {hopefully}, so I'm using it!

 So far I have EVERY.SINGLE.ONE of these Word of the Day Packs! LOVE THEM and I love Made for 1st Grade. 

I use these poems from Deedee for one of my mini-lessons during Daily 5.  My students LOVE them and so do I.... I just had to snag the February set during the sale yesterday. 

And... in case you missed it... here's Natalies brand new resource she made for Literature Circles! It's PERFECT for any book!!

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