In the Language Standard of the Common Core (specifically the vocabulary and acquisition use), our students should be expanding their vocabulary!
So, last year I decided to use Fancy Words to introduce synonyms and the use of fancy vocabulary words. My students this year just loved it so much! They've been using their fancy words SO much lately. I'm almost sick of hearing the words humungous, spectacular, fantastic, and superb. :) Almost.
Of course, we start off reading Fancy Nancy to introduce Fancy Words (and we continue reading different Fancy Nancy books all week). Here are some fun things we did all week to work on our vocabulary acquisition (that's a fancy word for learning big words). P.S. that is a STEAL of a deal on a Fancy Nancy big book!
After the book, we did a little craftivity. We took the words that we learned and made wands with them (of course I called them wizard wands for the boys and princess wands for the boys). They wrote their favorite fancy word on the star and drew a picture of the meaning of the word.
This is our Fancy Word Wall (also included in the packet). My students came up with *most* of those fancy words up there!
To make sure my students are applying what they've learned, I challenge them to use fancy words in their journals. And when they come up to conference with me after journal, if I see any fancy words used correctly, they get to circle them with MY "magic marker". SO precious!!!
Check out my Fancy Word Activities pack {here}!