Something I wanted to add in my unit was a complete EXPERIENCE that the students get! Play the sound of an airplane taking off, dress like a flight attendant, pass out the in-flight snack, and fasten your seat-belts! The WORLD AIRLINES will take off in 3, 2, 1.
I really wanted to talk about Netherlands on December 5th and Sweden on December 13th because those dates are important to their holiday. Many of the other holidays begin either before we start our unit of the date that you introduce that country doesn't matter. I had to do a little rearranging to make it happen for those two countries, but it'll work!
This lesson plan template is also available in my pack!
These informational reading passages are EVERYTHING! It's nice to have all of the key points right there on one sheet of paper. SHOUT OUT to my friend Carly who helped me!
Remember, in my pack, there is such a variety that each year you can change it up! You don't have to do all of the countries each year. The wonderful part about being the boss of applesauce is that you decided. With my new update of my pack this year, I've included more writing components and supplementals. It's JAM PACKED! Each country also has a reading passage to go with it so you can stop googling each country right before you "teach" it to your students (I'm talking to you Carly, hahah). I've also included links to websites and books.... so I have pretty much done all the work for you. You're welcome. Kidding!!! ;) Kind of.
Here's a picture of just some of the extensions included:
Ok, ready to take a look? The best deal is the BUNDLED pack (which includes 13 countries). Or you can break it up and buy JUST Part 1 or JUST Part 2.