Let me start by saying THANK YOU for the outpouring of love and support you gave me for {this} post last week! We have the BEST readers, ever!!! Thank you!
We first started the week by reading a lot of informational and narrative stories about spiders!
We first started the week by reading a lot of informational and narrative stories about spiders!
Then, we graphed whether or not we thought spiders were scary! We used the free app on our iPad called Doodle Buddy.
We recorded our results on Cara Carroll's cutest recording sheet {here}.
And then we wrote an opinion piece (Common Core Opinion Writing) about if we were afraid of spiders. We supported our opinion with 2 reasons why!
We also wrote an informational piece on what we learned about spiders and you can see how we did that {here}.
Then, we did some of these in math! We are working on counting on and counting back, so our equations are simple.