Have you been struggling with your Listen to Reading center? I do Daily 5 and we all know Listen to Reading is a popular choice. I mean, my students love it and I love that they love it... BUT!!! The CD Players are always broken, the CDs are scratched, and the batteries last for 34 seconds (on a good day). I have a new solution! Hopefully you have at least one iPad in your classroom. I have one iPad that I can let my students use during Listen to Reading and I just use a splitter to allow 3 students (not 5 like it's capable of) to listen at the same time:
What are they listening to, you ask?
It's an amazing, simple, educational APP that allows my students to pick from a wide variety of books. In Farfaria, they have many different islands they can go to (genres). They can pick a book and the APP will read them the book. They can even pick based on a level of reading (although I don't have my students choose this way).
It's VERY easy to follow along for my students. I love that they have to pay attention to the words because the APP doesn't turn the page for them. The student turns the page after the last word has been read (it highlights the word as it reads it to the student). Perfect for fluency!
There are over 600 books on this APP (and 5 new books added weekly)! Luckily, I tell my students that they have to pick a book within 2 minutes, so they don't waste their time just browsing books instead of listening to books. Although the books on this APP are not your mainstream books you see in the library...there are still many fairytales, tons of non-fiction, and some great fiction stories.
Here are the logistics:
For $3.99 per month (cancel anytime) you get-
- Unlimited reading from our library of more than 600 stories.
- Five new, engaging stories added every week.
- Interactive experience is fun for kids and easy for parents
- Every story can be read aloud with a Read-to-Me feature.
- Reading-level badge on every story cover.
- Offline access to read Favorite stories
- No advertising. No hidden fees.
OR... you can download the free version and read one book a day for free.
The monthly version is great and it is WORTH it! I looked into another popular APP that students can listen to books from and you had to pay PER book and their books were 4.99 EACH. So, to pay $3.99 for unlimited use and over 600 book is WELL worth it. Are you getting books from authors like Eric Carl or Audrey Wood...no... But you are getting high quality story books that my students love to read!
Click the picture to learn more!