I'm starting feel a little sad that the month of July is winding down. I love summer and everything about it. However, there is something inside of me that is so excited to go back to school too!!
Fresh markers, new bulletin boards, and a brand new batch of students!! Sooooooooo exciting!!!
Here is a little something that also might help you get really excited about going back to school. A 24 page resource of writing activities perfect for the beginning of the school year.
{Recommended for grades 3-6}
This download contains 24 different writing activities that will help you get to know your students and their individual personalities and interests. Your students will love coming back to school and getting to know their classmates as they complete these fun writing activities. Each page would also make a great bulletin board in your classroom or hallway!
Here is what is all included in the download:
-Notes to the Teacher
-Table of Contents
-Student Examples
-Cover Page for Book
-A Story About Me
-All About Me
-Self Portrait
-Get to Know Me
-My Bio Poem
-My Autobiography
-Hello, My Name Is...
-My Fact Sheet
-The ABC’s of Me
-A Picture of My Family
-When I Grow Up
-3 Things I Want My Teacher to Know
-Interest Inventory
-Reading Survey
-My Handwriting Sample
-My Summer Vacation 1
-My Summer Vacation 2
-My Summer Vacation 3
-1st Day of School
-“Because I’m Happy”
-If I Were a Flavor of Ice Cream…
-I Like Learning About…
-Which Color Best Describes Me?
-Get to Know Your Neighbor
-Thank You and Credits Page
(A small sample of some cute student examples!)
Here are some ways to use these writing pages:
- Choose a few templates for students to work on during the 1st day of school. When completed, do some whole class, small group, or partner get-to-know-activities.
- Bind (or staple) these pages into a booklet. Students can keep them in their desk and work on them during writing time or as a self-start each morning.
- Fast finishers – Students can use these pages for the months of Aug and Sept. It’s a fun and engaging activity for your fast finishers and higher achieving students.
- Hang their pages in the hall or on a bulletin board! Your students will love seeing their work displayed in the classroom!
- Save the completed pages and have students re-do them at the end of the year. They will make a great "time capsule" and it will be fun to see how much your students have changed throughout the year.
This packet is available in my TeachersPayTeachers store.
What makes you excited about
going back to school?
Leave a comment
and tell me a few of your
favorite things.
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