As I was finishing up my report cards a few weeks ago. I noticed that MANY of my students were
I've also started using Jodi's Fluency packs. Ohmyword. There is about THIS MUCH in these packets. They are Ahhh-mazing! They are also great for vocabulary and comprehension.
Then, as one of my Daily 5 mini-lessons, I did a fluency lesson. I want my kiddos to know what fluency is so that they can have it! :)
I made these posters to help them remember. I only went over one poster a day. I showed them non-examples and then good examples of each one. So, for example on day one, I did explained rate. I read a poem SUPER fast. I had to give me a thumbs up if I had a good rate or a thumbs down if I had a bad rate. They gave me a THUMBS DOWN! I was too fast! Then, I read it too slow. I bet you can guess what happened next. Yes, they gave me another thumbs down. I finally read it just right. I got lots of thumbs up
With each poster there is also an action:
Rate- Not too fast and not too slow {they pretend to run slow and run fast- with their arms}
Expression- Don't sound like a robot {they do the robot dance- channel your inner 80's dance moves}
Accuracy-Read the words right {they do a check mark in the air with their pointer finger}
Punctuation- Read the punctuation marks {they make an exclamation point in the air}
Then, once a week, after I do a running record on a student, I quickly have them fill out this self-assessment. We then set a goal on what they will work on.
Any other fluency tips for my 1st graders?