Happy Birthday, Rachelle!

I just wanted to wish Rachelle a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY today!!

And since it's her birthday, let's just brag about this girl for a second...

Did you know that Rachelle has lost over 100 pounds? 

Did you know she started her own fitness blog and is motivating others to eat better and live a healthier lifestyle? 

Did you know she spent some time in Africa teaching at a deaf school in Kenya?

I don't want to embarrass her too much, so I'm going to end with this... 

Thank you for sharing your talents with teachers all over the world by writing this blog. Thank you for inspiring and motivating others to be live a healthy lifestyle through your own weight loss journey. Also, thank you for the happy and positive light you bring into this world. We are all better people because you were born!

(and enjoy your 1st day of teaching!)

P.S. Thank you sooooo much to our friend, Nikki from Melonheadz Illustrating, for creating the cute custom graphic of Rachelle!! 

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