Are you changing grade-levels? Do standards based grading? Need a way to keep track of which standards you taught and when? Or maybe you need a refresher of your current grade-level?
Common Core Checklists are for you! There are 2 versions.
The Mastery Data Checklists are perfect for report cards, RtI, data for PLCs, or to give you detailed information for your small group work. You can type in the names of your students and it will autofill on all of the pages (up to 30 students)...or you can write them in like the picture above.
Grades K-6th available!
We also have CCSS tracking checklists available called Common Core Galore Checklists in our store)! These make it so you can "check off" things as you teach them so you can track what/when you've taught. You can also track whole-class mastery (not individual students- that's the data checklists). Grades K-6 available!