Do you have a student/child who just can't seem to get motivated to finish his/her work? I do a "work chart" with my students who need a little extra push. I first meet with the student and their parents to introduce the work chart and explain how to do it (I invite the parents because they are always a huge part of the child's goal setting). I tell the student that anytime they finish a task on time they can color in one square. When they fill in 10 they will get a special prize (I always find out what they love...Spiderman, Spongebob, Barbie's etc.) and I buy them something special. Then we start over again...they get a new chart and they try to color in 10 more squares. After the 3rd chart, I add double the squares (so they have to get 20 tasks finished before a prize). I notice that after the 3rd chart, they actually forget about the chart and just start finishing their work on their own. :)
Click {HERE} to download the 10 square work chart
and {HERE} to download the 20 square work chart
What do you do to motivate those little kiddos who need that extra push? I'd love to hear!