Management Monday - Caught Ya's

Another school-wide behavior system is:

Caught Ya's

We give them out when we catch kids being good students. My school's 'Caught Ya' tickets are just plain, so I made some cute ones to share with you. It's a very simple way to acknowledge good behaviors. You can do this as a whole school or individually. 

In the past I have had my own 'Caught Ya' drawings on Friday and given away small prizes. (I have to admit, the sodas are the most popular. My students love taking them to lunch with them.) Our school also has a weekly drawing where they give out small prizes. 

The real fun comes at the end of the year when ALL the 'Caught Ya' tickets for the WHOLE year get dumped on the  stage and we have a huge drawing for bikes, iPod Nano's, gift certificates, etc. 
(Just make sure students write their first and last names, as well as teacher's name on the backs of their tickets)

We usually get businesses to donate these items. Our students love it!!

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