I'm back with Management Monday!
When it comes to behavior management in our classrooms, we are all different. What works in my classroom might not work in yours. No judgements here. I've used the "pull card" system since I started teaching. It's worked for me and it's been fine, but I am ready for a change. I've always loved clip charts because they are cuter...haha! WELL- actually I wanted my students to be accountable for their behavior on more of a personal level and I didn't want it displayed in the classroom for all to see (if you do display it, THAT IS OK! I promise!). So... I decided to make personal clip charts for my students and I thought I'd share them with you! I used these for the first time last year and let me say- they are AWESOME! The students liked them and my principal and the parents raved about them.
I have my students keep their personal clip chart UNDER their desks (I use magnet tape on the back with a piece of book tape over it for durability and they magnetize the chart on the bottom of their desks)! I bought mini clothespins on Amazon but I found that a regular old paperclip does the job!
This personal clip chart will help your students stay accountable for their behavior (all while keeping it personal and not displaying it for all to see). This pack expands past just the clip chart and provides you with a whole behavior plan!
This pack includes:
*Personal Clip Charts (3 versions)- Customizable
*Behavior Report (student)- Full page
*Behavior Report (student)- Half page
*Behavior Report (teacher)- Customizable
*Student Behavior Report Binder Cover
*Red Clip Report Form
*Behavior Plan Note (4 versions)- Customizable
*Behavior Punch Cards
You can check it out {here}
At the end of each day I used to give each student a sticker on a behavior sticker chart...well...stickers became scarce! I saw {this} great idea on Eighteen25 and decided I could adapt it for my classroom to save time and money on stickers. If they are on a green card at the end of the day, they get a hole punched in their Behavior Punch Card. After they get 20 hole punches they get to pick out of the prize box! I copy the punch card on colored cardstock {because not only is it functional, it's caauuuttee}. :) I have my kiddos store theirs in their pencil boxes, but you could add a magnet to the bottom and have them stick them under their desks.
Click the picture to download {both girl and boy are included in 1 download}
GIRL punch card
BOY punch card
Click the picture to download or I have a customizable one in the pack above!
What behavior management tool works best for you?