I have 2 problems when it comes to our spelling tests each Friday.
1. My kiddos need a
2. My kiddos are super stressed about spelling tests! It's like they are in their seat sweating and shaking!
So, I googled, searched Pinterest, and racked our Facebook friends' brains....and VOILA!
Image from Funky First Grade |
I found this amazing post by Kimberly at Funky First Grade.....I give her full credit and she's behind my inspiration for...
Every Friday my kiddos get to wear SLIPPERS {or colorful socks if they don't have slippers} during our spelling test. This will help alleviate my #2 problem about spelling tests {make it less stressful}.
Then, after each test is correct on Monday, I meet with each student BRIEFLY and come up with a personal spelling goal {get a 90%, spell the sentences correctly, write 11/12 words write, etc.} to meet for the next week. If they meet that goal, they get their picture up on our SUPER SPELLER SLIPPER CLUB board! I have to remember that each child is different and I can't expect them to get 100% on every test. That's why it's an individual goal, not a class goal.
Let me just say how EXCITED my kids are to wear their slippers! I can't wait to set a goal with each of them on Monday and then next week we'll add some pictures up on our board when they meet their goal.
And then when they meet their goal, I'll give them this...
And for those who don't meet their goal and need an extra push, I'll give them this one {and it will help the parents know what their goal is}:
I've made the bulletin board set for you and then I included the intro letter I sent out to my students' parents to inform them of our spelling club! :)
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