How many times a day do your students ask you what they should do when they're finished? A MILLION. :) You gotta love em' for not just sitting there doing nothing while they wait, but sometimes I just kinda REALLY don't want to hear "what can I do now?".
I made these fast finisher cards to hang on my board after I explain each independent activity.
Click {HERE} to download these

When they finish the independent activity, I have them look at the board and see what I've posted. Then, they can grab that fast finisher and work on a meaningful activity while the rest of the students finish up. I always go through each activity separately at the beginning of the year and throughout the year. I GO OVER MY EXPECTATIONS. This part of it is super important.
Click {HERE} to download these

When they finish the independent activity, I have them look at the board and see what I've posted. Then, they can grab that fast finisher and work on a meaningful activity while the rest of the students finish up. I always go through each activity separately at the beginning of the year and throughout the year. I GO OVER MY EXPECTATIONS. This part of it is super important.
Explanation for each fast finisher:
Read a book: I have books in a bin right next to each table {so I don't have wandering kiddos} and they can choose a book from there {these are separate from their book boxes for Daily 5}.
Marker boards: I have marker boards {shower board bought and cut at Lowes}, erasers {wash cloths}, and markers on a shelf. They can also grab a bag of flash cards and write the words from their flash cards {or even spelling or sight words}.
Puzzles: I bought tons of puzzles from the Dollar Store and my kiddos love doing them {I hardly ever let them do this one...only if the are REALLY good ;) }. I cut the top of the box off {with the picture}, stick them in a ziploc and call it GOOD! :)
File Folder Games: Over the years I have made lots of file folder games. They aren't my favorite, but the kids love them. You can find some {here} for free at Kindergarten, Kindergarten and {here} for sale at DJ Inkers.
ABC Games: Our team has OODLES of Lakeshore ABC games. They are great...minus all of the dang.tiny.pieces I find ALL OVER! :)
100's chart: I have a class set of 100's charts that are in page protectors so the kiddos can write with dry-erase markers on them. You can grab my free 100's chart {here}.
Fast Finisher Folder: I haven't quite made these, but I'm going to for sure! Teacher Tipster is the one who introduced me to them and you can see that video {here}.
Math Game: You know ALL of those fun math games you've been laminating, cutting, and putting in a million ziplocs? You know....the ones you got from all of the fabulous blogs out there? USE THEM! :)
What else do you have your kiddos do for fast finishers {I'd love to get more ideas!!!!!}?
Clipart &/or fonts copyright DJ INKERS
Images copyright Thistle Girl Designs