I was searching the internet today for resources to help teach about Early Explorers.
(I know I'm a little bit behind in my social studies instruction - I figure that as long as I get to pilgrims by Thanksgiving, I'll still be in good shape.)
*Do you all know the special trick about search for things on the internet? Just add 'pdf' in your google search and you can find some pretty good, ready-to-print resources.*
These are the two INCREDIBLE resources I found today... thought I'd share:
1: Hands on History: Explorers
A 48 page resource of hands-on, fun projects on explorers. My favorite is the accordion style book that can be found on page 9.
2. Early Explorers - Teacher Activity Packet
My favorite is page 6 where it has a worksheet on explorer related vocabulary with the pictures associated with each word.
Source: http://www.phillyseaport.org/downloads/PhillySeaport-Early_Explorers-Teacher_Activity_Packet.pdf
Finding these resources made me super happy, as I am going to a math conference tomorrow and needed to finish up my social studies sub plans.
I don't know about you, but I LOVE free resources!! :)