We at What the Teacher Wants love all you teacher bloggers out there!
It's so hard to keep up with everything that's out there, so I wanted to draw your attention to our friend, Mrs. Saoud at Primary Graffiti. She recently posted about this fabulous data notebook which has 45 pages of printables focusing on collecting data and helping students set goals.
I think it's important to have students set goals for themselves. Last year, my 5th grade team focused on reading fluency and every month my students had a monthly reading goal that they worked towards. I know that it really helped them improve their reading abilities over the school year. They specifically knew what to work on, they worked on it all month, I reminded them of it during our conferencing time, and then they were re-tested and given a new reading goal at the end of the month. I saw HUGE successes come from this!
(As an fyi - If students didn't meet their goals at the end of the month, they would usually continue with the same goal for the following month.)
This year, I want to make goal-setting more formal. I have created this page that will go in their binders to help them set goals in all subjects, all year long. I think it will be fun to look back at the end of the year and see all the progress they've made.