I'm telling about this wonderful Valentine's book now so you have a little bit of time to try to find a copy of it before Valentine's Day. To my knowledge, it is currently out of print. I found mine at Barnes and Noble about 5 years ago.
I LOVE this story because it illustrates how one kind deed can make a huge difference in someone else's life.
We read the story together as a class and have a discussion about the important of kindness and letting other people know they're loved.Then... my FAVORITE part... Letting everyone write nice notes to each other. I always have my students do it using the software program Kidspiration.
If you have access to a computer lab that has Kispiration:
- Show students how to open Kidspiration. Find the heart graphic and put it in the middle of the page. Let students add there name below the heart. Show students how to make a new speech bubble and attach it to the heart in the middle. Give students 1-2 minutes to add their nice note, then rotate. Repeat until everyone has written on everyone's page. Let students print out their finished project to take home. (Here's an example from last year.)
If you don't have Kidspiration:
- Download this simple page and allow students to circulate around the class and write nice notes to each other. Here's a example:
EVERYONE leaves school on Valentines Day feeling LOVED!!
-This idea was shared on ABC and 123 {Visit their blog to see GREAT ideas}
-This idea was shared on ABC and 123 {Visit their blog to see GREAT ideas}