I asked a friend of mine to do a post about how she uses yoga in her classroom. Here is what she said:
Hey eveyone, my name is Malarie but my students call me Mrs. Matsuda. I teach 2nd grade at a k-12 charter school in Utah. While attending college, I started practicing Kindalini Yoga. After committing to a steady practice, I began to experience many positive changes in all aspects of my life. That is what led me down the path as a children's yoga teacher and eventually incorporating yoga into my daily classroom routine.
Hey eveyone, my name is Malarie but my students call me Mrs. Matsuda. I teach 2nd grade at a k-12 charter school in Utah. While attending college, I started practicing Kindalini Yoga. After committing to a steady practice, I began to experience many positive changes in all aspects of my life. That is what led me down the path as a children's yoga teacher and eventually incorporating yoga into my daily classroom routine.
The expert in Children's Yoga is a mentor of mine. Her name is Shakta Kaur Khalsa and she has published several books, CDs, and a DVD on children and women's yoga. She also does trainings and certification courses all around the world. Her website has a great link with tips on teaching children's yoga, as well as a store where you can purchase her fabulous products.
I highly recommend her book "Fly Like a Butterfly". This book has fabulous yoga adventure stories to get you started teaching yoga to your little ones. It is great for people of all levels of yoga experience.The songs on her albums "Happy" and "Cozy" have yoga movements that go along with the positive lyrics. You can learn all of the motions to the songs on her DVD, "Yoga in Motion". The movements that go with the songs have positive physical effects on the body and mind. My students absolutely love the songs and movements that go with them.
I also use her "Yoga Warriors Cards" and they are used in one of my centers. They cards are special because they are geared toward boys and most children's yoga product are kind of girlie.
You may be thinking this is going to be really expensive. How about sharing them with another teacher and splitting the cost? What about using team supply/text book money to purchase for your whole grade level to share? Or, ask your principal! He/she may have money to purchase some of the resources for the whole school!