I wanted to share this project idea that I am SUPER excited about!!!
I came up with this idea after seeing something similar from a 6th grade class doing a Renaissance award. I thought, that would be SOOOOOO fun to do with American history for 5th graders! (I also think it would be fun to come up with a 4th grade state history project.)
Basically, it's a list of things students can do to become better American citizens. Like:
-Reading historical fiction books
-Writing a letter to the president, congressmen, or other city official
-Attending a city council meeting
-Visiting a historical museum
-Plan and implement a service project
In all, there are 22 choices of projects, and students get to choose which 10 they want to complete.
I've talked to my principal and she has agreed to buy some sort of award for the students who complete it by the end of the year. I am so excited, and my students are too! I had one student come back from Christmas break with FOUR completed!! I'm so proud.
Younger teachers: I'm sure there is a fun way to make something like this on a simpler level. I'd love to see what you can come up with.