I loved Rachelle's previous post about spelling, and thought I would add some ideas...
-Take a practice test with a parent and have them grade it.
-Rainbow Spelling: Write your words 3 times each tracing over your words with 3 different colors.
-Divide each spelling word into syllables.
-Illustrate your words, write your spelling word under each picture.
-I Spy: Draw a picture and hide your words inside.
-Write your words as many times as there are syllables.
-Write your words in ABC order 3 times each.
-Write your words in order from longest word to shortest word and then shortest word to longest.
· -Write each word 6 times in cursive.
- Type each word 6 times each on a computer.
-Make a mobile that displays all of your spelling words. Be creative. Each piece of your mobile should have your word and an illustration.
-Use graph paper or the website www.puzzlemaker.com to create a word search using all of your spelling words.
· -Write the words that are difficult for you on index cards and hang them in a spot you will see them frequently.
Spelling Notice:
(Click image for a download)
P.S. Does anyone have a spelling program they LOVE? My school/team has used Literacy Place, Words Their Way, and now we're using Rigby. I have liked and hated aspects of each. I would love to know what you use!!